Midwifery Isolation Allowance Fund > Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

posted on August 17, 2023

Per the MABC Rural & Remote/Isolated Community Criteria Policy, to be eligible to receive MIAF funding, midwives must fulfill each of the criteria below:


  • Is an MABC registered midwife member in good standing during fiscal year being assessed.
  • The community where the midwife practices is an isolated A or B Community by MABC criteria.
  • The midwife provided full-scope perinatal and newborn services for a minimum of 6 months in an eligible community (or communities).
  • Midwives who practice in an eligible community and reside in another eligible community will receive the Rural Isolation Allowance payment of the community in which they practice.
  • Midwives who ordinarily practice in an eligible community and reside in a non-eligible community will receive the Rural Isolation Allowance Fund payment of the community in which they practice.
  • Locums are not eligible for Rural Isolation Allowance payments; however, an eligible midwife may offer a portion or all the payment as part of a locum arrangement.
  • Midwife must have active privileges in the community or at the nearest community hospital if no local hospital.


Additional criteria have been created to classify isolated communities as an Isolated A or B community, which will determine funding amounts, along with the length of time working in any isolated community.

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