New Registered Midwife membership information

Information on membership registration with the Midwives Association of B.C. (MABC) as a new B.C. Registered Midwife for newly graduated midwifery students or experienced midwives relocating to British Columbia. 

Purpose of the Association: The Midwives Association of British Columbia (MABC) is the professional association for midwives in B.C. and is registered under the Societies Act. Our key areas of activity include: negotiating the Midwifery Services Contract with the Ministry of Health, administrating the Midwives Protection Program (MPP) the province's professional liability insurance program, and promoting the profession of midwifery to the general public, consumers, and healthcare providers. The MABC also administers various programs such as the MABC Benefits Group Plan and provides educational opportunities for members.

MABC and the Ministry of Health (MOH): The Midwifery Main Agreement (MMA) and any subsidiary agreements are negotiated between the MABC and the MOH every three to five years. MABC representatives at the table include the MABC executive, MABC's Executive Director, and a professional negotiator. Consultations with the membership occur before and during negotiations, and voting members are asked to ratify the agreement. The negotiation team seeks ongoing feedback and direction from the Board of Directors.

MABC and the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM):  The MABC and the BCCNM are 2 organizations that help to safeguard the public and the profession of midwifery, and each play a distinct role:

The MABC promotes the profession of Midwifery, by increasing public awareness, advocating for the enhancement of services that midwives can provide, provide continuing education as well as professional services such as liability insurance to its members. The MABC also negotiates with the government to improve compensation and working conditions for midwives.

The BCCNM has the legal obligation to protect the public by ensuring that midwives in B.C. meet all standards of practice to deliver safe, ethical and effective care. In B.C., the practice of midwifery is regulated by the BCCNM.


Insurance is one of the MABC’s main service delivery areas. Proper compliance with insurance requirements is a key component to practicing as a registered midwife in B.C.

The MABC administers the following key risk management areas:

Professional Liability Insurance: The MABC administers the malpractice insurance program Midwives Protection Program (MPP) on behalf of the Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Finance. We ensure that all practicing midwives are covered under MPP while practicing in B.C.

Obtaining professional liability insurance from the MABC is one of the requirements in the registration process outlined by BCCNM. To find the fees according to the registration categories, please refer to the Membership fee schedule (PDF). 

Commercial General Liability (CGL): In addition to MPP liability insurance, and in compliance with the Midwifery Preamble and Payment Schedule, each registered midwife in B.C. is required to carry comprehensive CGL insurance. 

CGL is notably different from Professional Liability Insurance with MPP.  Professional Liability covers midwives’ liability exposure for loss or injury caused because of the rendering (or the failure to render) professional services. CGL insurance protects you or your business, when applicable, from financial loss should you be sued due to bodily injury or property damage caused by your services or business operations and not related to your delivery of professional services. For example, someone may slip and fall on a wet floor, or you may accidentally cause property damage to a patient’s home during a consultation. 

CGL coverage is available through MABC’s Business Insurance Broker, BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd. (BMS). The BMS CGL policy meets the minimum coverage requirements, which are: 

  • $2,000,000 in commercial general liability.
  • CGL coverage for all practice locations i.e., clinic, hospital, client home.

For more information, please refer to:

You can contact a BMS broker directly at 1-855-318-6558 or to apply for coverage.

Please note, in addition to CGL, members can also now secure additional insurance products and services at exclusive rates, including:

  • Clinic Package
  • Legal Services Package
  • Cyber Security & Privacy Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Personal Legal Solutions
  • Business Legal Solutions
  • 24 Hour Accident Coverage
  • Critical Illness Insurance
  • Family Cyber Coverage

Benefits of MABC Membership*

*Eligibility for these benefits varies by program. Detailed information will be provided upon approval of your membership. 

Health Benefits Group Plan: The MABC offers a blend of Life, Short and Long Term Disability, Critical Illness insurance,  Extended Health and Dental Plan and Member and Family assistance program, designed to supplement coverage provided by government programs in order to ensure the physical and mental health and offer a financial safety net for midwives in B.C. For a summary of the plan coverage, please see MABC Benefits at a Glance (PDF).

Parental Leave Benefits Program: This program provides a benefit of $1,300 per week, for a maximum of 17 consecutive weeks to registered midwives that go on parental leave and that meet the eligibility requirements.

GRSP Contributions Program: This program provides up to a maximum of $5000 in RSP contributions every fiscal year to registered midwives that meet the eligibility requirements.

MABC Membership Dues

The MABC membership dues are 2.9% on all midwifery gross billings. Dues collected by the association are utilized for operational expenses as is the case with any professional organization. In addition to dues collected from members, the association’s administrative and program related costs are subsidized by external funding that the MABC negotiates with the Ministry of Health. The dues are automatically deducted by the Medical Services Plan (MSP) from all midwifery billing claims. After MABC receives the Membership Dues Consent form, there is a waiting period for the MSP billing number to be issued. Once a midwife begins billing for midwifery services, MABC membership dues will then be deducted by MSP and automatically deposited in a designated MABC bank account. If universal dues are not deducted by MSP, the MABC will invoice members for their membership dues.  

MPP, Non-Practicing Membership Dues and Administrative Fees: Please refer to the Membership Fee Schedule (PDF) for details.

MABC Registration Instructions

To be registered as a practicing midwife in B.C., you must be registered with BCCNM and with the MABC.  

As part of the BCCNM registration process, new or returning practicing registrants are requested to secure professional liability insurance coverage by contacting the MABC. This can be done by completing an MABC online application for new membership and payment.  

Applications for BCCNM and MABC are interdependent. The MABC online application and payment must be received to corroborate liability insurance coverage with the BCCNM as per the steps outlined in the BCCNM's application process. Confirmation of registration from BCCNM is required for MABC membership approval.

Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination​ (CMRE) - Applicants must discuss with BCCNM the registration class/status they can register for according to their required start date in respect to the results of the CMRE. Applicants are required to communicate to MABC should any delays on CMRE examinations or change of effective date or registration class/status occur.  

Applications for MABC membership that do not match the BCCNM registration class and start date will be canceled and refunded; applicants will be required to re-submit the online application and payment.

MABC Registration steps:

  • First, you must be in the process of completing your BCCNM registration application.
  • Read the key documents that most directly impact your MABC membership and midwifery practice:
      1. Code of Conduct 
      2. Suspending and Revoking Membership Policy
      3. Membership Policy
      4. Risk Management Policy: Reporting to MPP
      5. Policy on Commercial General Liability
  • Obtain an electronic copy of your CGL insurance coverage certificate – you will be requested to upload this in the application process. 
  • Complete your Membership Dues Consent Form – you will be requested to upload your completed form in the application process. Please note that the MABC office will fill in your MSP number(s) once you begin billing MSP.
  • Request the link to the MABC online application for new membership by completing the contact form at the bottom of this page. The application will be emailed to you.
  • Complete the MABC online application for new membership and payment 2 weeks prior to your anticipated start date. If you are within the two weeks prior to your effective date of BCCNM registration, please contact MABC prior to completing your online application.
  • Complete your payment. Please note that the MABC only accepts credit cards or cheques.

After completing your MABC new applicant form and payment, the MABC will await for BCCNM's request for confirmation of MPP coverage. Once the BCCNM has received confirmation from MABC, the registration process will be finalized and BCCNM will issue a memo confirming the registration of the new applicant as a Registered Midwife in B.C. 

Once the MABC receives confirmation of BCCNM registration, new registrants will receive a welcome email that will allow them access to the members’ only dedicated area of the MABC website. With their own account access, new Practicing members will be able to download their certificates of professional liability insurance (MPP) coverage directly from their own MABC accounts’ home page.

Please note that completion of the MABC registration application and payment is not sufficient to have access to the member's only area of the MABC website. Confirmation from the BCCNM that the midwife is registered in B.C. is required to receive approval of MABC membership.


I am a current MABC student member, do I need to re-submit an application?


I am a former MABC member wanting to re-instate my membership. Do I need to re-submit an application?

Yes. Please note that being in the process of re-registration with BCCNM or being a current Non-Practicing Midwife BCCNM registrant is required to be eligible for an MABC membership.

Is there any resource I can access to as a member looking to reinstate my membership when my current clinical experience requirements have not been met?

Yes, please see the MABC Guide to Returning to Practice.

How do I complete my application for MSP billing number? Do I need to complete this step before I complete my application for MABC membership?

First, you require to complete your MABC membership registration for BCCNM to approve your registration in B.C. as a RM.  Once you have been confirmed registered, BCCNM will issue your registration number.   You require this number to apply for your MSP billing number.  More information on how to apply for MSP billing number here

Should I do anything to connect MABC and BCCNM to process my registration application?

No. The BCCNM and the MABC have an internal procedure in place to confirm that the new B.C. registrant has completed their payment for MPP coverage. 

I need to obtain hospital privileges prior to my first day of clinic practice. What date should I request for my BCCNM registration effective start date?

Please note that certificates of MPP coverage required for hospital credentialing processing are available for downloading from the own MABC member's account once the new B.C. registrant has been confirmed by BCCNM. If you are required to secure hospital privileges prior to your first day in clinic, we recommend that you connect with the hospital credentialing department to enquire about the steps and timing of the privileging process. Throughout B.C., the privileging process varies between different health authorities and hospitals, so we recommend taking this into consideration before completing your BCCNM registration application.

I am a new BCCNM registrant who is first registering as a Non-Practicing midwife.  Do I need to become an MABC member?

MABC membership is optional for Non-Practicing BCCNM registrants. 

If I am first registering as a Non-Practicing member, do I need to submit proof of CGL with my online application?

No. The CGL coverage requirement is only for Practicing, Practicing (no intrapartum care) & Provisional midwives.

If you have already reviewed the information above and would like to request the link to the MABC online application be emailed to you, please complete the request form below, and we will reply as soon as possible.

I am a
 Graduate from a BCCNM-recognized midwifery education program
 Inter-Provincial registrant
 Former BC midwife wanting to reinstate my membership
Office use only:

We are here to personally assist members with any queries or concerns. For any registration-related issues, please email the Registration Manager, Patricia Alcantara at or phone the MABC office: 604-736-5976 (Ext. 5)

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