Underserved Communities List

All communities in British Columbia deserve access to midwives! By filling out this form you can help us bring focus to communities in BC that are in need.

The MABC works hard to fill the maternity care gap in underserved communities across the province, and our success depends on having proof that there is a real demand for midwives.

Some communities have midwives but their practices are at capacity. Some communities have maternity care but midwives have not yet been integrated. And some communities are very far from any maternity care, and could benefit from a midwife whose services are well-suited for low-tech, remote settings.

Your information will only be used by us to help track maternity care gaps in the province, or for advocacy campaigns that encourage the integration of midwives in communities where currently there are too few, or none at all. We may email you occasionally, but we will not share your information with anyone.

Thank you for seeking a midwife for your care - we hope to be in your community soon. 

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