Refund Policy

Membership Dues and Mal-practice Insurance Fees:

Membership dues and mal-practice insurance fees are processed in Canadian dollars and payment is accepted online with MasterCard and Visa. Dues and fees are processed using an Internet Secure Payment Processor hosted by the Midwives Association of BC. Once your online membership dues and mal-practice insurance fees are completed, you will receive an email confirmation of your payment.

Membership dues are non-refundable unless requested for extenuating circumstances. To request a refund under extenuating circumstances, please email:  

Mal-practice insurance fees cannot be pro-rated and will only be refunded prior to the beginning of a quarter. Please review our Membership Fee Policy for the conditions for a refund of mal-practice insurance fees.

If your application for registration is not approved, the Midwives Association of BC will provide a full refund of your membership dues and mal-practice insurance fees paid.

Event Registrations:

Event registration fees are processed in Canadian dollars and payment is accepted online with MasterCard and Visa. Fees are processed using an Internet Secure Payment Processor hosted by the Midwives Association of BC. Your event registration fee will include the registration package as stated above. Once your online event registration is completed, you will receive an email confirmation receipt of your payment as well as confirmation of event registration.

If refunds apply to the event, a refund will be given no later than 30 days. Please review our Midwives Emergency Skill Program Policy (MESP) for the conditions for a refund of an MESP workshop.

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