32nd ICM Triennial Congress 2020 (Bali, Indonesia)

June 21 - 25, 2020

32nd ICM Triennial Congresses 2020 - Bali, Indonesia 21 - 25 June 2020

The Congress is a leading forum for midwifery with the aim of achieving progress in the care of pregnant women, mothers, newborns and their families. A rich selection of experts in the field of midwifery and global health presented during the Congress.

The next, 32nd Triennial Congress will place in Bali, Indonesia,  from 21-25 June 2020, and will be focusing on the theme of ‘Midwives of the world: delivering the future’. The Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) will ensure the warmest welcome, as will the people of Bali.

For more information and to register for the event, please click this link.

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