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WOMB Birth Workers' Retreat

4:00 PM Apr 30 - 1:00 PM May 2, 2019

Welcome to the WOMB. Congratulations on making an investment in yourself and the future of maternity care! 

The purpose of the WOMB Birth Workers' Retreat is twofold:

To bring together attendees and world class speakers in a more informal yet informative setting that will help promote the cross-collaboration of birth workers. Secondly, we recognize that our maternity care providers do important and stressful work, so we wanted to provide an opportunity to relax and unwind! 

The vibe that we are hoping to achieve with this retreat is one we plan to carry forward in our birth and maternal wellness centre.  One of mutual respect, and patient-centered care. So sit back, relax and enjoy! We hope to provide an inspiring and engaging retreat for everyone attending, especially our WOMB members.


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Registration Information

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Your registration to the WOMB Birthworkers' Retreat includes access to the workshops with all five of our world class guest speakers. It also includes all meals right from dinner on the Tuesday night thru to lunch prior to departure on Thursday as well as one drink ticket for the Mix + Mingle.  (One day registration is available and will only include the Wednesday sessions and meals). Tickets for the Drinks + Dance are available for separate purchase.

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Schedule of Events:


please visit the below link for event and registration information:

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