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Enrolment Instructions

Participation in this program is a necessary component of our Association and its members’ compliance with the Midwifery Main Agreement Clause 42 and ensures that registered midwife members receive the healthcare support they need. 

Plan Coverage - A one-page Benefits-at-a-Glance has been prepared as a summary, outlining the benefit coverage under the New Universal Group Benefits Plan.  The Life Insurance, Long-Term Disability, Critical Illness and Extended Health Care and Dental (EHC&D) plans align with the previous plans, with some enhancements.  Short-Term Disability has been added.

The EHC&D Plan includes family coverage for members and their eligible dependents.  Members with alternate EHC&D coverage will be able to use Coordination of Benefits, or waive this benefit for themselves and/or their dependents. 

How to Enroll

Members must submit their fillable PDF Enrollment Application via email to .

Before completing your enrollment application, please be aware of the following:

  1. Reporting Midwifery Income - you will be required to provide your annual midwifery income. To assist members with calculating and accurately reporting your income for disability coverage purposes, please refer to the MABC Reporting Midwifery Income Calculator.
  2. E-signing the Enrollment Application - Only e-signatures are eligible (A typed signature is not acceptable).  To assist members with this requirement, please review the MABC PBC Enrollment Application Instructions for adding electronic signature document.

Completing the Enrollment Application

Members must complete Parts 1, 2, 5 and 7 of the MABC PBC Enrollment Application and only complete Parts 3 to 6, if applicable. The fields/sections to be completed are highlighted in yellow.

PART 1 — EMPLOYER/PLAN ADMINISTRATOR: Members must only input their annual income in the ‘Member salary’ field of this section. If you require more time to gather the information needed to report your income, input $0 (zero) for now to avoid delay in coverage for all the other non-disability benefits.

PART 2 - MEMBER/DEPENDENTS INFORMATION: Members must provide PBC with their true family composition  -even when waiving EHC&D coverage-; this helps ensure that eligible EHC&D claims can reimbursed promptly, also preventing not listed dependents to be considered “late applicants” and be required to provide the insurer with evidence of insurability and coverage is not guaranteed.    

Q: Who qualifies as my dependent?

  1. Your spouse
  2. Your Common-law spouse if you have cohabited as spousal partners for one year
  3. Your financially dependent unmarried children (biological child, your stepchild, your adopted child, or a foster child you are taking care of) are eligible to age 21 or to age 25 if they are in full-time attendance at a school, college or university that is recognized by Pacific Blue Cross or have a disability.

Q: Do I need to disclose a dependent with disabilities on the Enrollment form?

If your dependent is under age 21, you do not need to declare disabled status. If your dependent is over age 21, this will be required to determine eligibility.

PART 4 — CO-ORDINATION OF BENEFITS: Members may use coordination of benefits in situations where themselves and/or their eligible dependents have EHC&D coverage under more than one EHC&D Plan.  The combined payment from all Group Plans for a particular item cannot exceed 100% of the eligible medical/dental expense.  *Members using coordination of EHC&D benefits must not complete PART 6 (Section A) of the application*

When using co-ordination of EHC&D Benefits, members must provide the following EHC&D alternate plan information:

  1. Name of insurance company
  2. Group Policy number
  3. ID or certificate number

PART 5 — BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION: Members must designate at least one beneficiary. If a beneficiary is not nominated, these benefits will be paid to their estate in the event of their death.  A trustee must be named if the beneficiary is under age 18.

PART 6 — WAIVER OF GROUP BENEFITS (Section A):  Members may waive the EHC&D benefits under this plan for themselves and/or their dependents due to coverage under another EHC&D plan. 
*Members waiving EHC&D benefits must not complete PART 4 of the application*

PART 7 - MEMBER SIGNATURE: Only e-signatures are eligible (A typed signature is not acceptable).  To assist members with this requirement, please review the MABC PBC Enrollment Application Instructions for adding electronic signature document.

Reporting Midwifery-Related Income for Long-Term and Short-Term Disability Coverage

It is important that members report their midwifery-related income accurately to avoid any impact on the processing of a disability claim as proof of income will be requested by the insurer in the event of a claim.

For disability benefits coverage purposes, members must report their annual midwifery-related income, minus any allowable professional expenses, earned before taxes and other deductions.

Midwifery-related income is considered income generated from paid positions that require a Midwifery designation and/or to be a Registered Midwife in the province of British Columbia.  

What types of income sources are considered midwifery related?

  • MSP billings
  • T4A income from MABC Programs (parental leave, MESP Instructor, Engagement Fund, Leadership Bursary, etc.)
  • Locum work (including Rural Locum Program)
  • University Faculty positions / contracts
  • Health Authority contracts, including midwifery service contracts and leadership positions
  • Vaccination Clinics
  • Affiliate organizations funding (Rural Coordination Centre of BC, Doctors of BC, etc.)
  • BCCNM staff positions / contracts / committee work
  • Overhead payments *New 2022-2025 MMA clause 

To assist members in calculating and accurately reporting their income for disability coverage purposes, the MABC Reporting Midwifery Income Calculator has been developed to allow input income from the types of income sources that are considered as midwifery related income and to estimate an average of the last 2 years (24 months) of annual earnings.

Q: What income is not considered?
A: Income generated by a registered Midwife that is not related to having a midwifery designation and would not require you to be a Registered Midwife in the province to do the job is not considered Midwifery-related income and is not to be included in the income calculation for the MABC.

Q:Who can assist me with providing MABC with the correct amount?
A: Your accountant will be able to assist you with providing the MABC with the correct amount.

Q: What reporting period do I use for annual income?
A: The average of the last 2 years (24 months) of annual earnings should be considered when reviewing your earnings.

Q: What if I don’t have 24 months of annual income?
A: A minimum of 6 months of annual income is required to be eligible for disability benefits. If you have more than 6 months but less than 24 months, your average annual income over the months you have should be used.

Q: Do I include expenses?
A: Expenses are not to be reported.

Q: Do I include business income?
A: Only personal income is considered.

Q: What happens if I misreport my earnings?
A: It is important to report your earnings accurately as your earnings information will be reviewed in detail at the time of a disability claim.

  • If you over-report your earnings (i.e., you report that you earn more than you actually do), then PBC will adjust the benefit to align with the lower earnings (based on the income verification).
  • If you under-report your earnings (i.e., you report that you earn less than you actually do), no adjustments will be paid to your benefit level, and you will receive a benefit that is reflective of your reported amount.

Q: Can I report midwifery income earned outside of BC?
A: Only midwifery income earned in BC is eligible

Q: Will I have other opportunities to update my midwifery annual income?
A: Yes, you can adjust your income at any time after enrolment by contacting the .

After Enrolment – Next Steps

Once enrolled, PBC will mail to your home address, a Member ID card that confirms your coverage. It will contain your new policy number and your Member ID number. 

If you do not receive the Member ID card, you or your healthcare provider or dentist can contact PBC customer service at 604-419-2000 or toll-free 1-877-PAC-BLUE (722-2583) to obtain the policy number and your Member ID number.

Q: How do I know I have been enrolled for coverage?
A: You will receive a Member ID card from Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) that confirms your coverage. It will contain your new policy number and your Member Identification (ID) number. The card will be mailed to your home address. If you do not receive the Member ID card and need the policy and your member ID number, or your healthcare provider or dentist needs the policy and your member ID number, contact PBC customer service at 604-419-2000 or toll-free 1-877-PAC-BLUE (722-2583).

Q: Does Pacific Blue Cross have online access for Extended Health and Dental claims and coverage information?
A: You will receive a Welcome email from PBC with a link to the webpage on PBC’s website where members can register to sign in to Member Profile.  Member features include:

  • Member Profile – log in to manage your coverage, submit claims, view claim status and history, download Member ID card or claim forms, sign up for Member Communication from PBC.
  • Mobile App – sign in using fingerprint touch ID to submit claims, check coverage balance, find Insta-Claim Providers for direct billing.
  • Preferred Pharmacy Network – Pacific Blue Cross has partnered with leading pharmacy retailers to offer guaranteed low prices and dispensing fees.
  • Pharmacy Compass – lookup tool to compare pill prices and dispensing fees at pharmacies in BC.

Q: Will I need to provide the new policy/plan number to my healthcare providers and my dentist?
A: Yes, you will need to update your information with your dentist, pharmacist, and paramedical practitioners that direct bill with information available on your Pacific Blue Cross Member ID card.

Q: When do I submit Extended Health and Dental claims to Pacific Blue Cross?
A:You can submit extended health and dental claims to Pacific Blue Cross for purchase or service dates starting January 1, 2024.

Q: Will I be able to coordinate my benefits? What if my partner is also a Pacific Blue Cross member?
A: Yes, you can submit information indicating that benefits are to be coordinated. Even if both partners are members with PBC, coordination of benefits are applied under each member’s plan limits.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions?
A: Sign into Member Profile to learn more about your benefit coverage or call PBC customer service at 604-419-2000 or toll-free 1-877-PAC-BLUE (722-2583) with any questions.

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